In honor of National Wear Red Day, Dr. Emily Tucker, President of the Nu Sigma Omega Chapter, stresses the importance of self-care and exercise in reducing your risk for cardiovascular disease. Challenge yourself to improved heart health by logging 26 miles of physical activity during the month of February. #akaSouthEastern#AKAPinkGoesRed#GoRedForWomen
Here are 5 heart healthy facts!
Heart Health Fact #1:
Heart health is among the most important factors to an individual's physical well-being. Considering the scope of heart disease in America, it's important to become well-aware of the risk factors that negatively affect cardiovascular health. Women especially! Therefore, this tip of the day is for you! #AKApinkgoesred #GoRedForWomen

Heart Healthy Fact #2:
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, many view February as the month of love, but it is also American Heart Month. Heart disease is the leading killer of Americans, taking the lives of 2,200 people each day. Simple lifestyle changes can make a big impact when it comes to heart health. Show your heart some love with this tip of the day!

Heart Healthy Fact #3:
Be aware of warning signs! Here's what to watch for.

Heart Healthy Fact #4:
Exercise is great for your heart health and here's why!

Heart Healthy Fact #5:
Here's a heart healthy tip for women to be aware of
